
- 輔仁大學 理工學院 生命科學系 專任講座教授
- 馬偕醫學院 生物醫學研究所 客座教授
- 台灣大學 生命科學院 分子及細胞生物研究所 名譽教授
- 台灣大學 生命科學院 分子及細胞生物研究所 兼任教授
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- 輔仁大學 理學院 生物系 學士
- 臺灣大學 理學院 海洋研究所(漁業及生物組) 碩士
- 美國奧立岡州立大學 理學院 哲學博士 (微生物系)
- Johns Hopkins University (Dept. of Biology) 博士後研究員
- 臺灣大學 生命科學院 分子及細胞生物研究所 教授、所長(兩任) 終身特聘教授
- 臺灣大學 生命科學院 生命科學系 合聘教授
- 臺灣大學 理學院 漁業科學研究所 副教授、教授、所長(兩任)
- 輔仁大學 生物系 兼任副教授、教授
- 國科會生物處漁業生物學門召集人
- 美國加州大學舊金山分校客座教授
- 臺灣大學研發會委員
- 國家實驗研究院海洋科技中心海洋生物組合聘教授兼組長
- Tsai, H. J. and W. E. Sandine*. 1987. Conjugal transfer of lactose gene from Streptococcus lactis C2 to Leuconostoc cremoris CAF7: Leuconostoc transconjugants capable of fermeting lactose and producing diacetyl. J. Ind. Microbiol., 2(1): 25-33.
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- Tsai, H. J.*, S. R. Shin, C. M. Kuo and L. K. Li. 1994. Molecular cloning of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) rhodopsin cDNA. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 109B(1): 81-88.
- Tsai, H. J.* and F. S. Tseng. 1994. Electroporation of a foreign gene into black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) embryos. Fish. Sci., 60(6): 787-789.
- Tsai, H. J.* and L.T. Yang. 1994. Cloning and sequencing of the DNA encoding the pituitary gonadotro pin II β-subunit of yellowfin porgy (Acanthopagrus latus). J. Fish Biol., 46: 501-508.
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- Tsai, H. J.*, M. H. Hish and J. C. Kuo. 1997. Esherichia coli- produced fish growth hormone as a stuff additive to enhance the growth of juvenile black seabream (Acathopagrus schlegeli). J. Appl. Ichthyol., 13:79-82.
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- Chen, Y. H., W. C. Lee, C. H. Cheng and H. J. Tsai*. 2000. Muscle regulatory factor gene: zebrafish (Danio rerio) myogenic cDNA. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 127B: 97-103.
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- Hsiao, C. D., F. J. Hsieh and H. J. Tsai*. 2001. Enhanced expression and stable transmission of transgenes flanked by inverted terminal repeats from adeno-associated virus in zebrafish. Dev. Dynamics, 220: 323-336.
- Chen, Y. H., W. C. Lee, C. F. Liu and H. J. Tsai.* 2001. Molecular structure, dynamic expression and promoter analysis of zebrafish (Danio rerio) myf-5 gene. Genesis: J. Genet. Dev., (formerly Dev. Genet.) 29: 22-35.
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- Chen, Y. H., C. T. Liang and H. J. Tsai*. 2002. Expression, purification and DNA-binding activity of tilapia muscle-specific transcription factor MyoD produced by Escherichia coli. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 131B: 795-805.
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- Ho, Y. L., Y. H. Shau, H. J. Tsai, L. C. Lin, P. J. Huang and F. J. Hsieh*. 2002. Assessment of zebrafish cardiac performance using doppler echocardiography and power angiography. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 28: 1137-1143.
- Wang, T. M., Y. H. Chen, C. F. Liu and H. J. Tsai.* 2002. Functional analysis of the proximal promoter region of fish rhodopsin and Myf-5 genes using transgenesis. Marine Biotechnol., 4: 247-255.
- Hsiao, C. D., W. Y. Tsai and H. J. Tsai.* 2002. Isolation and expression of two zebrafish homologous ofparvalbmin genes related to chicken CPV3 and mammalian oncomodulin. Mech. Dev., 119S:S161-S166.
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- Huang, C. J., C. T. Tu, C. D. Hsiao, F. J. Hsieh and H. J. Tsai.* 2003. Germ-line transmission of a myo cardium-specific GFP transgene reveals critical regulatory elements in the cardiac myosin light chain 2 promoter of zebrafish. Dev. Dynamics, 228 :30-40.
- Chen, Y. H., H. C. Lee, C. F. Liu, C. Y. Lin and H. J. Tsai.* 2003. Novel regulatory sequence -82/-62 functions as a key element to drive the somite-specificity of zebrafish myf-5. Dev. Dynamics, 228: 41-50.
- Hsiao, C. D. and H. J. Tsai.* 2003. Transgenic zebrafish with fluorescent germ cells: a useful tool to visualize germ cells proliferation and juvenile hermaphroditism in vivo. Dev. Biol., 262:313-323.
- Raya, A., C. M. Koth, D. Buscher, Y. Kawakami, T. Itoh, R. M. Raya, G. Sternik, H. J. Tsai, C. Rodri guez-Esteban and J. C, Izpisua-Belmonte.* 2003. Activation of Notch signaling pathway precedes heart regeneration in zebrafish. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,100: 11889-11895.
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- Tsai, H. J.* 2003. Transgenic fish: research and application. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 30:263-277. (Invited review article)
- Sun, C. K.,* S. -W. Chu, S.-Y. Chen, T.-H. Tsai, T.-M. Liu, C. -Y. Lin and H. J. Tsai. 2004. Higher harmonic generation microscopy for developmental biology. J. Struct. Biol., 147: 19-30.
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- Huang, C. J., T. S. Jou, Y. L. Ho, W. H. Lee, Y. T. Jeng, F. J. Hsieh and H. J. Tsai.* 2005. Conditional expression of a myocardium-specific transgene in zebrafish transgenic lines. Dev. Dynamics, 233: 1294-1303.
- Wang, Y. H., Y. H. Chen, J. H. Lu and H. J. Tsai.* 2005. A 23-amino-acid residue spanning the basic domain targets zebrafish myogenic regulatory factor Myf-5 into nucleolus. DNA Cell Biol. , 24: 651-660.
- Chen, H. L., H. S. Yang, R. Huang and H. J. Tsai*. 2006. Transfer of a foreign gene to Japanese abalone (Haliotis diversicolor supertexta) by direct testis- injection. Aquaculture, 253:249-258.
- Lee, H. C., H. Y. Huang, C. Y. Lin, Y. H. Chen and H. J. Tsai*. 2006. Foxd3 mediates zebrafish myf5 expression during early somitogenesis Dev. Biol., 290:359-372.
- Wang, Y. H., Y. H. Chen, Y. J. Lin and H. J. Tsai*. 2006. Spatiotemporal expression of zebrafish keratin 18 during early embryogenesis and the establishment of a keratin 18:RFP transgenic line. Mech. Dev.:Gene Expression Patterns, 6:335-339.
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- Wang, Y. H., Y. H. Chen, J. H. Lu, Y. J. Lin, M. Y. Chang and H. J. Tsai*. 2006. Epidermis- restricted expression of zebrafish cytokeratin II is controlled by a -141/+85 minimal promoter, and cassette -141/-111 is esential for driving the tissue-specificity. Differentiation, 74:186-194.
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- Lin, C. Y., R. F. Yunag, H. C. Lee, W. T. Chen, Y. H. Chen and H. J. Tsai*. 2006. Myogenic regulatory factors Myf5 and Myod function distinctly during craniofacial myogenesis of zebrafish. Dev. Biol., 299: 594-608.
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- Chen, S. Y., C. Hsieh, S. Chu, C. Y. Lin, C. Ko, Y. Chen, H. J. Tsai, C. H. Hu and Chi-Kuang Sun. 2006. Noninvasive harmonics optical microscopy for long-term observation of embryonic nervous system development in vivo. J. Biomed. Opt., 11: 054022-8.
- Chen, Y. H., Y. H. Wang, M. Y. Chang, C. Y. Lin, C. W. Weng, M. Westerfield and H. J. Tsai*. 2007. Multiple upstream modules regulate zebrafish myf5 expression. BMC Dev. Biol., 7, 1.
- Lee, H. C., J. N. Tsai, P. Y. Liao, W. Y. Tsai, K. Y. Lin, C. C. Chuang, C. K. Sun, W. C. Chang and H. J. Tsai*. 2007. Glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha and 3 beta have distinct functions during cardiogenesis of zebrafish embryo. BMC Dev. Biol., 7, 93.
- Holtzman, N. G., J. J. Schoenebeck, H. J. Tsai and D. Yelon*. 2007. Endocardium is necessary for car diomyocyte movement during heart tube assembly. Development 134, 2379-86.
- Ho, Y. L., Y. H. Lin, I. J. Tsai, F. J. Hsieh and H. J. Tsai*. 2007. In vivo assessment of cardiac morphol ogy and function in heart-specific green fluorescent zebrafish. J. Formosa Med. Assoc., 106, 181-186.
- Auman, H. J., H. Coleman, H. E. Riley, F. Olale, H. J. Tsai and D. Yelon*. 2007. Functional modulation of cardiac form through regionally confined cell shape changes. PLoS Biol., 5, e53.
- Wang, Y. H., C. K. Li, G. H. Le, H. J. Tsai* and Y. H. Chen*. 2008. Inactivation of zebrafish mrf4 leads to myofibril misalignment and motor axon growth disorganization. Dev. Dyn., 237: 1043-1050.
- Chen, Y. H.* and H. J. Tsai*. 2008. Myogenic regulatory factors Myf5 and Mrf4 of fish: Current status and perspective. J. Fish. Biol. 73:1-19 (Invited review article)
- Chen, S. L., S S. Li, R. Huang and H. J. Tsai*. 2008. Conditional production of functional fish growth hormone in the transgenic line of Nannochloropsis oculata. J. Phycol., 44: 768-776.
- Leung, T., J. E. Humbert, A. M. Stauffer, K. E. Giger, H. Chen, H. J. Tsai, C. Wang, T. Mirshahi and J. D. Robishaw. 2008. The orphan G protein-coupled receptor 161 is required for left-right patterning. Dev. Biol., 323: 31-40.
- Li, S. S. and H. J. Tsai*. 2009. Transgenic microalgae as a non-antibiotic bactericide producer to de fense the bacterial pathogen infection in fish digestive tract. Fish Shellfish Immunol. , 26: 316-325.
- Huang, H. Y., E. S. Dai, J. T. Liu, C. T. Tu, T. C. Yang and H. J. Tsai*. 2009. The embryonic expressionpatterns and the knockdown phenotypes of zebrafish ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein gene. Dev. Dynamics, 238: 232-240.
- Tu, C. T., T. C. Yang and H. J. Tsai*. 2009. Nkx2.7 and Nkx2.5 function redundantly and are required for cardiac morphogenesis of zebrafish embryos. PLoS One, 4 (1):e4249.
- Fu, C. Y., H. C. Lee and H. J. Tsai*. 2009. The molecular structures and expression patterns of zebrafish troponin I genes. Gene Express. Patterns, 9: 348-356.
- Lin, C. Y., W. T. Chen, H. C. Lee, P. H. Yang, H. J. Yang and H. J. Tsai*. 2009. The transcription fac tor Six1a plays an essential role in the craniofacial myogenesis of zebrafish. Dev. Biol., 331:152-166.
- Ho, Y. L., Y. H. Lin, W. Y. Tsai, F. J. Hsieh and H. J. Tsai*. 2009. Conditional antisense-knockdown of zebrafish cardiac troponin C as a new animal model for dilated cardiomyopathy. Circ. J., 73:1691-1697.
- Lee, H. C., W. A. Tseng, F. Y. Lo, T. M. Liu and H. J. Tsai*. 2009. Foxd5 mediates anterior–posterior polarity through upstream modulator Fgf signaling during zebrafish somitogenesis. Dev. Biol., 336: 232-245.
- Hsu, R. J., H. J. Yang and H. J. Tsai*. 2009. Labeled microRNA pull-down assay system: an experi mental approach for high-throughput identification of microRNA-target mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res., 37: 77 -87.
- Ohn, J., H. J. Tsai and M. Liebling*. 2009. Joint dynamic imaging of morphogenesis and function in the developing heart. Organognesis, 5:1-8.
- Raeker, M. O., A. N. Bieniek, A. S. Ryan, H. J. Tsai, K. M. Zahn and M. W. Russell*. 2010. Targeted deletion of the zebrafish obscurin A RhoGEF domain affects heart, skeletal muscle and brain development. Dev. Biol., 337:432-443.
- Lin, C. Y., P. H. Yang, C. L. Kao, H. I. Huang and H. J. Tsai*. 2010. Transgenic zebrafish eggs contain ing bactericidal peptide is a novel food supplement enhancing resistance to pathogenic infection of fish. Fish Shellfish Immunol., 28: 419-427.
- Hsu, R. J., C. Y. Lin, H. S. Hoi, S. K. Zheng, C. C. Lin and H. J. Tsai*. 2010. Novel intronic microRNA represses zebrafish myf5 promoter activity through silencing dickkopf-3 gene. Nucleic Acids Res., 38: 4384-4393.
- Hami, D., A. C. Grimes, H. J. Tsai and M. L. Kirby*. (2011). Zebrafish cardiac development requires a conserved secondary heart field. Development, 138: 2389-2398.
- Wang AB, C. W. Cheng, .I. C. Lin, F. Y. Lu, H. J. Tsai, et al., 2011. A novel DNA selection and direct extraction process and its application in DNA recombination. Electrophoresis, 32: 423-430.
- Chang S. H., B. J. Lee, Y. D. Chen, Y. C. Lee and H. J. Tsai*. 2011. Development of transgenic zoo plankton Artemia as a bioreactor to produce exogenous protein. Transgenic Res., 20:1099-1111.
- Hsu, R. J., C. C. Lin and H. J. Tsai*. 2011. dickkopf-3-related gene regulates the expression of zebrafish myf5 gene through phosphorylated p38a-dependent Smad4 activity. J. Biol. Chem., 286: 6855-6864.
- Lee, H. C., Y. J. Chen, Y. W. Liu, K. Y. Lin, S. W. Chen, C. Y. Lin, Y. C. Lu, P. C. Hsu, S. C. Lee and H. J. Tsai*. 2011. Transgenic zebrafish model to study translational control mediated by upstream open reading frame of human chop gene. Nucleic Acid Res. 39 (20): e139.
- Huang, H. Y., J. T. Liu, H. Y. Yan and H. J. Tsai*. 2012. Arl6ip1 plays a role in proliferation during zebrafish retinogenesis. Cells Tissues Organs. 196(2): 161-174.
- Tu, C. T., T. C. Yang and H. J. Tsai*. 2012. Zebrafish arl6ip1 is required for neural crest development during embryogenesis. PLoS One, 7(3): e32899.
- Chen, Y. H., R. J. Hsu, T. Y. Chen, Y. K. Hunag, H. C. Lee, S. C. Hu, H. J. Harn, J. R. Jeng, C. K. Sun, S. Z. Lin and H. J. Tsai*. 2012. The toxic effect of Amiodarone on valve formation in the developing heart of zebrafish embryos. Reprod. Toxicol., 33: 233-244.
- Fu, C. Y., Y. F. Su, G. D. Chang and H. J. Tsai*. 2012. Zebrafish Dkk3a regulates the promoter activi ty ofmyf5 through interaction with membrane receptor of Integrinα6b. J. Biol. Chem., 287(47): 40031-40042.
- Lin, C. Y., J. S. Chen, M. R. Loo, C. C. Hsiao, W. Y. Chang and H. J. Tsai*. 2013. MicroRNA-3906 regulates fast muscle differentiation through modulating the target gene homer-1b in zebrafish embryos. PLoS One, 8: e70187.
- Lin, C. Y., H. C. Lee, H. C. Chen, C. C. Hsieh and H. J. Tsai*. 2013. Normal function of Myf5 during gastrulation is required for pharyngeal arch cartilage development in zebrafish embryos. Zebrafish, 10: 486-499.
- Lin, C. Y., H. J. Lee, C. Y. Fu, Y. Y. Ding, J. C. Chen, M. H. Lee, W. J. Huang and H. J. Tsai*. 2013. miR-1 and miR-206 target different genes to have opposing roles during angiogenesis in zebrafish embryos. Nat. Commun., 4: 2829.
- Chang, Y. T., C. Y. Lin, C. Y. Tsai, V. S. Siva, C. Y. Chu, H. J. Tsai and Y. L. Song*. 2013. The new face of the old molecules: crustin Pm4 and transglutaminase type I serving as rnps down-regulate astakine-mediated hematopoiesis. PLoS One, 8: e72793.
- Chung, H. Y., W. C. Kuo, Y. H. Cheng, C. H. Yu, S. H. Chia, C. Y. Lin, J. S. Chen, H. J. Tsai, A. B. Fe dotov, A. A. Ivanov, A. M. Zheltikov and C. K Sun*. 2013. Blu-ray disk lens as the objective of a miniaturized two-photon fluorescence microscope. Opt. Express 21: 31604-31614.
- Chiang, C.Y., Y. L. Chen and H. J. Tsai*. 2014. Different visible colors and green fluorescence were obtained from the mutated purple chromoprotein isolated from sea anemone. Mar. Biotechnol., 16: 436-446.
- Lee, H. C., B. N. Lu, H. L. Huang, C. Chu, H. P. Li and H. J. Tsai*. 2014. Transgenic line huORFZ is an effective living bioindicator for detecting environmental toxicants. PLoS One, 9(3):e90160.
- Lee, H. C., Y. Z. Lin, Y.T. Lai, N. J. Tsai and H. J. Tsai*. 2014. Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta in somites plays a role during the angiogenesis of zebrafish embryos. FEBS J. 281:4367-4383.
- Candel, S., S. de Oliveira, A. López-Muñoz, D. García-Moreno, R. Espın- Palazon, S. D. Tyrkalska, M. L. Cayuela, S. A. Renshaw, R. Corbalan-Velez, I. Vidal-Abarca, H. J. Tsai, J. Meseguer, M. P. Sepulcre and V. Mulero. 2014. Tnfa signaling through Tnfr2 protects skin against oxidative stress-induced inflammation. PLoS Biol., 12(5):e1001855.
- Shih C. H., H. Y. Chen, H. C. Lee and H. J. Tsai*. 2015. Purple chromoprotein gene serves as a new selection marker for transgenesis of the microalga Nannochloropsis oculata. PLoS One, 10:e0120780.
- Chiang C. Y., C. C. Lee, S. Y. Lo, A. H.-J. Wang and H. J. Tsai*. 2015. Chromophore deprotonation state alters the optical properties of blue chromoprotein. PLoS One, 10(7):e0134108.
- 蔡懷楨*。基因轉殖螢光魚-魚躍龍門。7月 2015。科學發展月刊。511卷:24-29。 (科技部補助期刊)
- Lee H. C., M. Y. Su, H. C. Lo, C. C. Wu, D. M. Lo, T. Y. Chao, H. J. Tsai and M. S. Dai. 2015. Cancer metastasis and EGFR signaling is suppressed by Amiodarone-induced Versican-V2. Oncotarget, 6:42976-2987.
- Lin C. Y., H. Y. Huang, P. N. Lu, C. W. Lin, K. M. Lu and H. J. Tsai*. 2015. Ras-related nuclear protein is required for late developmental stages of retinal cells in zebrafish eyes. Int. J. Dev. Biol., 59:435-442 (Cover image)
- Lee H. C., H. C. Lo, D. M. Lo, M. Y. Su, J. R. Hu, C. C. Wu, S. N. Chang, M. S. Dai, C. T. Tsai and H. J. Tsai*. 2015. Amiodarone induces overexpression of similar to versican b to repress the EGFR/Gsk3b/Snail signaling axis during cardiac valve formation of zebrafish embryos. PLoS One, 10(12):e0144751.
- Lin C. Y., C. Y. Chiang and H. J. Tsai*. 2016. Zebrafish and medaka: new model organisms for modern biomedical research. J. Biomed. Sci. 23:19-29. (SCI, IF: 5.762, Rank: 47/195, Cell Biology) (Invited review article)
- Chiang C.Y., C. Y. Lin, Y. T. Chen and H. J. Tsai*. 2016. Blue fluorescent protein derived from the mutated purple chromoprotein isolated from the sea anemone Stichodactyla haddoni. Prot. Eng. Des. Select. 29(11):523-530. (SCI, IF: 1.774, Rank: 120/156, Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)
- Zeng C. W., Y. Kamei, C. T. Wang and H. J. Tsai*. 2016. Type-specific cell populations differentiate into neurons in spinal cord of zebrafish embryos after hypoxic stress. Biol. Cell, 108(12):357-377. (SCI, IF: 3.922, Rank: 87/195 Cell Biology)
- Fu C. Y., P. C. Wang and H. J. Tsai*. 2016. Competitive binding between Seryl-tRNA synthetase/YY1 complex and NFKB1 at the distal segment results in differential regulation of human vegfa promoter activity during angiogenesis. Nucleic Acid Res., 10(1093):1-15. (SCI, IF: 11.502, Rank: 15/297, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Lin C. Y., J. Y. He, C. W. Zeng, M. R. Loo, M. Y. Chang, P. H. Zhang and H. J. Tsai*. 2017. MicroRNA-206 modulates an Rtn4a/Cxcr4a/Thbs3a axis in newly forming somites to maintain and stabilize the somite boundary formation of zebrafish embryos. Open Biol. 7:170009. (SCI, IF: 4.931, Rank: 60/297 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology) (Cover image)
- Lee H. C., C. Y. Fu and H. J. Tsai*. 2017. Embryonic expression patterns of eukaryotic EndoU ribonuclease family gene endouC in zebrafish. Gene Express. Patterns. 25:66-70. (SCI, IF: 0.897, Rank: 166/178 Genetics & Heredity)
- Tsai H. J.* 2017. Transgenic zebrafish can serve as bioindicators of environmental toxicants at the cellular level. Ann. Mar. Biol. Res., 4(1): 1022-1023.
- 蔡懷楨*。 基因轉殖螢光魚躍國際。 10月 2017。國際農業科技新知-季刊。 76卷:14-20。
- Lin C. Y., H. C. Lee, J. H. Wu and H. J. Tsai*. 2018. Short fish-origin DNA elements served as flanking sequences in a knockdown cloning vector enabling the generation of a functional siRNA molecule in mammalian cells and fish embryos. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 505:850-857. (SCI, IF: 2.985, Rank: 26/71; Biophysics)
- Lin C. Y., P. H. Zhang, Y. J. Chen, C. L. Wu and H. J. Tsai*. 2018. Conditional overexpression of rtn4al in muscle of adult zebrafish displays defects similar to human Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Mar. Biotechnol., 1:1-13. (SCI, IF: 2.798, Rank: 18/108, Marine & Freshwater Biology)
- Chang H. Y., T. P. Ko, Y. C. Chang, K. F. Huang, C. Y. Lin, H. Y. Chou, C. Y. Chiang and H. J. Tsai*. 2019. Crystal structure of the blue fluorescent protein with a Leu-Leu-Gly-tri-peptide chromophore derived from the purple chromoprotein of Stichodactyla haddoni. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 130:675-684. (SCI, IF: 5.162, Rank: 51/297 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Lin C. Y., C. L. Wu, K. Z. Lee, Y. J. Chen, P. H. Zhang, C. Y. Chang, H. J. Harn, S. Z. Lin and H. J. Tsai*. 2019. Extracellular Pgk1 enhances neurite outgrowth of motoneurons through Nogo66/NgR- independent targeting of NogoA. eLife, 8:1-22. (SCI, IF: 7.080, Rank: 5/93, Biology)
- Lee B. C., C. W. Huang, C. Y. Lin, C. H. Shih and H. J. Tsai*. 2019. Oral administration of transgenic biosafe microorganism containing antimicrobial peptide enhances the survival of tilapia fry infected bacterial pathogen. Fish Shellfish Immun., 19:31020-31024. (SCI, IF: 3.298, Rank: 3/141, Veterinary)
- Zeng C. W., J. C. Sheu and H. J. Tsai*. 2020. A new member of the forkhead box protein family in zebrafish: Domain composition, phylogenetic implication and embryonic expression pattern. Gene Expression Patterns, 35: p119093. (SCI, IF: 0.897, Rank: 166/178 Genetics & Heredity)
- Zeng C. W., J. C. Sheu and H. J. Tsai*. 2020. The neuronal regeneration of adult zebrafish after spinal cord injury is enhanced by transplanting optimized number of neural progenitor cells. Cell Transplantation, 29: 1-11. (SCI, IF: 3.341, Rank: 8/24 Transplantation)
- Lin C. Y., H. Y. Lin, C. K. Chuang, P. H. Zhang, R. Y. Tu, S. P. Lin and H. J. Tsai*. 2020. Effect of Mutated ids overexpression on IDS enzyme activity and developmental phenotypes in zebrafish embryos: a valuable index for assessing critical point-mutations associated with Mucopolysaccharidosis type II occurrence in humans. Diagnostics, 10:854. (SCI, IF: 3.110, Rank: 39/165 Medicine, General & Internal)
- Lee H.C., C. Y. Fu, C. Y. Lin, J. R. Hu, Y. Y. Huang, K. Y. Lo, H. Y. Tsai, J. C. Sheu and H. J. Tsai* 2021. Poly(U)-specific endoribonuclease ENDOU promotes translation of human CHOP mRNA by releasing uORF element-mediated inhibition. EMBO J., e104123. (SCI, IF: 9.889, Rank: 21/297 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Zeng C. W., Y. Kamei, S. Shigenob, J. C. Sheu and H. J. Tsai*. 2021. Injured-induced Cavl-expressing cells at rostral side play major roles in spinal cord regeneration. Open Biol., 11:200304. (SCI, IF: 4.931, Rank: 60/297Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Lee B. C., J. C. Tsai, C. Y. Lin, C. W. Hung, J. C. Sheu and H. J. Tsai*. 2021. Using Bacillus subtilis as a host cell to express an antimicrobial peptide from the marine chordate Ciona intestinalis. Marine Drugs, 19, 111. (SCI, IF: 4.073, Rank: 16/61 Chemistry & Medicina)
- 蔡懷楨. 1999. 魚類基因轉殖. 生物技術方法(卷三)細胞組織培養與轉殖,國立台灣大學生物技術研究中心. 61-68.
- 蔡懷楨. 2003. 教育部生物技術科技教育改進計畫「動物基因轉殖技術與實驗」,第十二章,水產動物之基因轉殖, 144-154.
- Chapter “Therapeutic Oligonucleotides” chapter in “Methods in Molecular Biology”, 2011. Humana Press, USA.
- Chapter “Transworld Research Network” chapter in “Aquaculture Research”, 2010. Open Access Book.
- Shih C. H. and H. J. Tsai*. 2017. Genetic improvement of microalgae Nannochloropsis species. In Nannochloropsis, edited by M. Jan and P. Kazik, Novo Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 1-42.
(一)發現Seryl-tRNA synthetase結合在vegfa基因的啓動子之遠端處擔任轉錄負調控的角色之非典型功能。
癌細胞發育過程中,需要靠血管新生成來維持正常的癌細胞生理功能與轉移作用。而在血管形成中,vegfa已被證實可誘導血管內皮細胞的增生與遷徙,進而促使血管的生成。因此若能更加詳細瞭解抑制血管生成機制就可加強對癌症的治療效果。本研究從分子生物學和胚胎發育學的觀點去深入瞭解人類vegfa基因的調控機制。我們發現Seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS)除了會將L-serine連接至與其相對應的tRNA之一般功能外,在vegfa基因轉錄調控中還會充當co-repressor的角色,因為SerRS進核後會與YY1結合成複合體(SerRS/YY1),並在vegfa基因遠端上游-4654~-4623 bp的位置與DNA結合,以負責負向調控vegfa的轉錄。然而,NFKB1卻會和這個SerRS/YY1複合體互相競爭去結合這段DNA序列;若NFKB1占優勢就會造成正向調控vegfa的轉錄。這樣調控的分子機制屬於一種「Yin-Yang Regulation」的平衡。進一步地他們利用promoter deletion assay更證明出SerRS對人類vegfa基因在遠端(-4654~-4623 bp)調控轉錄的影響力其實是比它在近端(-62~-36 bp)的影響力更為顯著而重要。這是第一篇發現人類vegfa基因上游4kb之外遠端的DNA序列及其調控蛋白質之間的競爭是影響vegfa基因轉錄的關鍵。這個結論推翻了美國加州The Scripps Research Institute的團隊於2014年發表在eLife有關SerRS在vegfa基因近端為主要調控轉錄的論點。這項研究結果將會提供癌症生物學的新思維以及治療方面的新策略(Fu et al., 2016, Nucleic Acid Research)。
肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS)是一種運動神經元疾病。病人的運動神經元會逐漸退化,使其無法支配肌肉並造成萎縮,最終導致無法自主呼吸和死亡。臨床顯示大部分ALS病人肌肉細胞內的NogoA表現量會不正常上升,但是對於肌肉組織中NogoA過量表達與運動神經元軸突退化之間的關係至今仍不清楚。哺乳類的動物模式發育緩慢,無法直接觀察神經缺失,而斑馬魚 Rtn4跟人類的NogoA是同源基因,因此我們使用生長快又胚胎透明可觀察的斑馬魚做為實驗動物來進行肌肉與神經組織之間cross-talk的研究。本研究先利用二維電泳分析發現當肌肉細胞內過量表現NogoA時,肌肉細胞會顯著降低分泌Pgk1,結果造成不利於運動神經元神經突觸生長,因此證實正常肌肉細胞分泌到細胞外的Pgk1能維持運動神經元突觸的生長。若外源性添加Pgk1可以改善ALS模式細胞和iPSC中不利運動神經元突觸生長的狀態;若注射 Pgk1至ALS小鼠與斑馬魚的動物模式,在in vivo情況下,也可以有效地降低運動神經元與骨骼肌肉的分離,並減緩 ALS動物的運動能力逐漸喪失之病徵,顯示在細胞外存在的Pgk1對神經細胞具有正向的滋養效果。進一步地我們證明了分泌性Pgk1並非如Pgk1在細胞內參與能量代謝途徑提供ATP來促進運動神經元突觸的生長,而是透過本研究新發現的Rac1-GTP/ Pak1-T423/MAPKAPK2-T334/Limk1-S323 (非一般所知T508)/Cofilin-S3這一連串訊息調控的磷酸化所完成的任務。我們是第一個發現正常肌肉細胞所分泌Pgk1的新功能,此與胞內Pgk1所執行的功能完全不同。這個成果將有助於ALS疾病(漸凍人)治療的新思維與策略(Lin et al., 2019, eLife);(中華民國/2017年/發明專利/I586367號;美國專利正申請)。
有些mRNA 5’-端存在一種會抑制下游的coding sequence (CDS)轉譯的upstream open reading frame(uORF),在基因調控機制中扮演重要的角色。多數人類基因就受到這種轉譯層次上的調控。近年來發現有些人類疾病的致病因素是因uORF序列發生突變導致其轉譯調控受到影響所致。因此,清楚了解在in vivo下由uORF所主導的轉譯調控的分子機制是非常重要的。但是必須先開發一個能專一且能誘導表現的模式動物。然而以往transgenic mice模式動物因有非專一性的訊號嚴重干擾,至今仍很難用來研究uORF抑制轉譯能力以及ER stress參與致病的過程。為了突破研究這個問題的障礙,我們以人類CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Homologous Protein (CHOP) 基因5’端不轉譯區含有一uORF為研究對象,先建立一種斑馬魚轉殖品系huORFZ (Lee et al.,2011,Nucleic Acid Res.,39:e139)。這個品系huORFZ在以在內質網逆境(ER stress)下具有高度專一性只在腦及脊髓之特定細胞因uORFchop轉譯抑制的功能被破壞而轉譯出下游CDS之GFP的特性。第二,我們建立兩種stresses 的microarrays,在表現顯著上升的基因群中(1014個基因),發現一個尚未被報告過的人類ENDOU基因以及斑馬魚的同源基因Endouc (Lee et al., 2017),他們會參與huORFchop的轉譯調控,以便在stress環境去主導轉譯下游少數關鍵mRNAs,進而產生具有處理危急特殊任務的蛋白質。因此,我們第一個提出這個poly(U)-specific endoribonuclease如何破解具有translation inhibition的RNA結構障礙而幫助進行轉譯的分子機制model,以説明uORFchop為何能在逆境中失去轉譯抑制的能力:(i)當細胞處於逆境時,Endouc/ENDOU蛋白能快速產生,促使eIF2α磷酸化;(ii) Endouc/ENDOU會結合到CHOP mRNA的uORF序列上切割uORF,使其改變RNA 2級構型,讓停滯的核醣體能夠重新運作;(iii)並同時誘導新的核醣體結合到CHOP mRNA上,最終促使CHOP轉譯產生蛋白。這個研究結論不但幫助更了解ISR過程中CHOP蛋白如何轉譯出來,也為學術上提供一個新的方向思索其他帶有uORF序列的基因的轉譯調控機制,亦給予未來研發相關藥物減少ISR引發的細胞計畫性凋亡的新觀點。本研究在國際上相當具有學術競爭力 (Lee et al., 2021, The EMBO Journal)。
- 一般研究計畫
- 魚類血管新生的分子調控:MicroRNA-1在斑馬魚胚胎時期血管生成的新功能(3/3), MOST 102-2313-B-715-001-MY3, 自1040801至1050731
- 色澤蛋白作為擬球藻轉殖的新型篩選標記及應用(2/2), MOST 103-2313-B-715-001-MY2, 自1040801至1050731
- 新型轉譯動物的建立:肌肉miR-206與其目標基因rtn4造成肌肉萎縮性脊隨索硬化症中運動神經元退化的分子機制(2/2), MOST 104-2321-B-715-001, 自1040801至1050731
- 內質網逆境的轉譯調控機制:Kepi為抑制chop mRNA轉譯的關鍵因子, MOST 105-2311-B-715-001-, 自1050801至1060731
- 利用斑馬魚在in vivo下解析Seryl-tRNA Synthetase調控vegfa基因轉錄之機制, MOST 105-2313-B-715-001-MY2, 自1050801至1060731
- EndouC參與由uORF主導的轉譯抑制作用於內質網逆境時失效的分子機制, MOST 106-2313-B-715-001-, 自1060801至1070731
- 利用斑馬魚在in vivo下解析Seryl-tRNA Synthetase調控vegfa基因轉錄之機制, MOST 106-2313-B-715-001-MY2, 自1060801至1070731
- 利用細胞及斑馬魚解析過量表現NogoA的肌肉細胞所分泌的Pgk1會影響運動神經元突觸生長的分子機制(1/2) (MOST 107-2311- B-715-001-)(自1070801至1080731二年期計畫之第一年)
- 利用細胞及斑馬魚解析過量表現NogoA的肌肉細胞所分泌的Pgk1會影響運動神經元突觸生長的分子機制(2/2) (MOST 108-2311- B-715-011-)(自1080801至1090731二年期計畫之第二年
- 利用斑馬魚模式動物探討脊髓受損後參與神經再生的細胞特殊族群及其特性(1/3) (MOST 108-2313-B-715-001,自1080801至1110731三年期計畫)
- 利用斑馬魚模式動物探討脊髓受損後參與神經再生的細胞特殊族群及其特性(2/3) (MOST 109-2313-B-715-001,自1080801至1110731三年期計畫) (現為執行第二年)
- 利用斑馬魚模式動物探討內質網逆境下Endouc/ENDOU-1促進eIF2α磷酸化與CHOP mRNA轉譯的分子機制(1/2)(109-2313-B-715-002-,自1090801至1110731二年期計畫) (現為執行第一年)
- 產學合作計畫
- 科技部產學合作計畫-自行開發新穎色澤蛋白質與藍色螢光蛋白質的產業應用(1/2), MOST 107-2622-B-715-001-CC1 (自1070601至1080530, 二年期計畫之第一年)
- 科技部產學合作計畫-自行開發新穎色澤蛋白質與藍色螢光蛋白質的產業應用(2/2), MOST 108-2622-B-715-001-CC1) (自1080601至1090530, 二年期計畫之第二年)
- 1988-1998, 2001-2002年 國科會研究甲種獎勵
- 2002年 國科會傑出研究獎
- 2003-2006年 國科會傑出研究獎
- 2006年獲第二屆有庠科技發明獎(生技醫藥類)
- 2008-2011年國科會傑出學者研究計畫
- 2015-2018年 科技部傑出研究獎(分子生物與生物化學領域)
- 2015〜2017以及 2019年共有四次獲馬偕醫學院校方頒發年度「學術研究成果表現卓著獎」。
- 細胞及分子生物新知研討會壁報論文獎:張文彥、盧慕蓉
- 生物醫學聯合學術年會看板論文優秀獎:陳筱雯、張文彥、黃薇臻、黃倖妍、李國智、曾志維、胡家榕
- The 12th Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry, Tokuji Ikenaka Award for Best Poster Presentations Award:曾志維
- 2013 Aquatic Animal for Human disease Model and Midwest Zebrafish Conference -Postdoc level Poster Award:陸柏年
- 2017,The 23rd Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting, Best Poster Presentation Award:曾志維
- 2018,「106年度科技部博士後研究人員學術著作獎」,博士後研究員傅傳揚。
- 2019,第26屆細胞及分子生物新知研討會優秀壁報論文獎:吳嘉倫。
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- 蔡懷楨,漫談從觀賞用螢光魚的首創到研究用轉殖魚的研發,進修部教學大樓,ES617,輔仁大學,2021-04-27