


Posi3ons available for

Metabolic Engineering and Synthe3c Biology in Plants


President Liao of Academia Sinica (中研院廖俊智院長) is

assembling a research team for engineering of new biochemical

pathways in plants for the produc<on of useful compounds.

Several posi<ons for postdoctoral fellows and research assistants

are currently available. Evalua<on of candidates will begin on

2/20 and con<nue un<l the posi<ons are filled.


Qualifica3ons: PhD or MS degree in biology, passionate in

research, with problem-solving aItude, experiences in

molecular gene<cs or biochemistry in plant or algal research will

be a plus.


Salary: according to the scale in Academia Sinica

Those who are interested in the posi<ons should send CV

including contact informa<on of referees to via email to




洪美萍  敬上

Mei-Ping Hung

Administrative Assistant to President James C. Liao

President’s Office

Academia Sinica

Tel: +886-2-2789-9404

Fax: +886-2-2785-3852